Updates on Nuclear Energy

Who has it and who wants it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tennessee Plans For Change

If you have been keeping up with this blog you would have read my last post in which I described three US states that were pushing forward with legislation in order to have more nuclear energy in their future. Well there is good news...looks like we can add one to that list...and perhaps to the very top.

A Tennessee power company (TVA, Tennessee Valley Authority) has just released a 20 year plan detailing its interest in renewable resources to possibly lose its dependence on coal. The TVA states that it needs to meet the constantly rising energy demands of its people while also providing cleaner energy.

TVA is interested like everyone else in incorporating renewable resources such as solar and wind into its energy production budget. But shockingly TVA also announced that in 20 years it hopes that nuclear energy will represent more than half of its energy output. That's amazing and I'm glad to see that at least some states in the USA are awake and are finally realizing what is going on around them.

A powerful quote that was taken from one of the developers of the energy plan, Gary Brinkworth:

“While there may be individual components that are expensive, when you bring those all together, clearly adding those renewables gives us a stronger plan, a lower cost plan.”

1 comment:

  1. Phew, that would be pretty remarkable. TVA is a huge utility. It will be interesting to see if they put their money where their mouth is in the coming years.
