My blog “The Nuke Truth” was created with one simple goal in mind…to inform people of updates occurring in the nuclear energy field. To evaluate myself, and thus my blog I feel it is important to answer the question of whether or not I feel I have succeeded at this goal. Since the first day I created this blog I have been consistently providing interesting, current, and easy-to-read stories on nuclear energy technologies. I have exceeded the required amount of posting. I write my blog posts with excitement and eagerness because I cannot wait to read the comments that I have received…both agreeing and disagreeing. As for the comments, I always check up on new comments and try to answer them thoroughly. Several of my blog posts have been a direct result of someone’s comment.
My Posts:
What's all the fuss about?
Underwater Nuclear Reactors in France's future
Duke's Nukes down
More on Underwater Nuclear Reactors
Update: Underwater reactor safety
China to Spend $121 Billion on Nuke reactors
Uranium Production
Blog Self-Interview
Design. The design of my blog is unique and carefully picked in order to artistically portray the word “technology”. The title banner was custom made. I also installed a poll (which got quite a few votes) in order to get a reading on the audience's view of the topic I was currently writing about.
As with all the writing I have ever presented this blog brings out my voice. I always write as if discussing the topic with a friend. I write posts exactly like the type of posts I want to read. Not too long, not too technical. All my posts are intended to get the information out, spark some curiosity, and maybe ignite some controversy.
Commenting. I have commented on many blogs. I understand that many people know their topic much better than I do so sometimes it is hard to post a comment/question and not have a fear that it is really...dumb.
Commenting. I have commented on many blogs. I understand that many people know their topic much better than I do so sometimes it is hard to post a comment/question and not have a fear that it is really...dumb.
Media. I have used pictures and videos on my blog. Nuclear technology is not something easy to understand, so what is better than a little visual aid?
If you were to visit my blog, either on day one or this very day you would see that I love my topic, I will fight for my topic, and I want to tell everyone about my topic. I feel that one of the best features of my blog is that your question will be answered. I believe that if you know the truth about nuclear energy instead of “telephone” information or information from bad media…you will see that it is the right choice.
I’m not going to lie…I don’t really know what I am supposed to write in this evaluation. Perhaps I am simply supposed to state that: yes I have done all the requirements (minus the framing assignment because my entire blog is framed…it is very one-sided (pronuclear)), I have commented on other blogs, I have used all types of media formats (unless there is a nuclear energy song out there that I need to post), I speak in a clear and respective voice…and best of all my blog always sparks conversation.
I’d like to discuss future plans for the blog now. I am hoping that I can get an interview with a professor of mine who is a long, long, long time nuclear physicist and who would have much to tell us on his view of nuclear energy: its benefits and possible dangers. I’d like to provide my audience with more updates on France’s underwater plans, and of course find out the rest of the world’s plans.
No need to worry! this evaluation is fine. You'll hear more from me soon in private.